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As a container committed to decolonization and liberation, we prioritize connection outside of oppressive systems.


We require minimal paperwork to access our experiences, focusing instead on human-to-human agreements.


We are always open to feedback and suggestions.

Voluntary Participation & Opt-Out


We choose to participate in offerings of our own free will and are aware we can opt-out at any time.


Respect for Privacy and Confidentiality.

We respect privacy and agree not to disclose personal information shared outside of workshop.

What’s said stays. What’s learned leaves.


Commitment to Cultural Sensitivity & Compassion.

We commit to cultural sensitivity, emotional compassion, and radical inclusivity. Some examples include honoring pronouns, respecting cultural practices, and showing compassion for each person’s unique lived experiences.


Agreement to Non-Violent Expression.

We agree to practice non-violence in word, action, and intention, recognizing that harm can manifest in various ways, including through words, tone, and body language.


Human to Human Handshake.

Sacred Witness Sanctuary (SWS) is an LLC committed to decolonization, operating outside traditional legal frameworks and oppressive systems. The human behind these experiences is Josephine Amanda Sabater (JAS).


JAS and participants enter into a human-to-human agreement to make best efforts to resolve matters without involving legal and other oppressive systems.


In the event of a conflict, we agree to follow a restorative justice model, prioritizing safety, dialogue, and mutual effort to repair harm.


Financial Exchange & Restorative Justice.

Any money exchanged is non-refundable.


However, in alignment with restorative justice principles, if harm has been caused, financial reparations or alternative resolutions may be explored through dialogue and mutual agreement on a case-by-case basis.


Shared Accountability & Community Responsibility.

We hold ourselves and others accountable to these agreements, recognizing that community responsibility is a shared effort. If we notice harm, we will work together to address it with care and accountability.

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